Theory and applications in biodiversity conservation
In line with the EU Biodiversity Strategy, BESTNATURE Erasmus+ project aims to train skilled students in biodiversity conservation and restoration. The project aims to translate the scientific excellence of the Partners into educational excellence at the transnational level. It wants to fill the gap in knowledge about nature protection and ecosystem restoration for effective management of protected areas between Member States. During the project, the partners will strengthen international cooperation, and promote innovation in teaching with the support and creative use of technology.
The goal is to create a blended module on an e-learning platform collecting the best practices from each HEI. The project has implications in training high professionals to apply innovative and transdisciplinary methods in biodiversity monitoring for effective protected areas management.
An innovative element at the level of teaching methodology is the involvement of PhD students who, in the experiential model (B), act as peer educators to MSc and bachelor's students.
The content will range from conservation ecology and biology to sustainable natural resources management with insights into biomonitoring, remote sensing, and effective governance of protected areas for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration.
BESTNATURE course "Theory and applications in biodiversity conservation is composed in two modules:
The theoretical online training Module A (3 ECTS) is available on Unitus Moodle
The practical Module B (3 ECTS) as a Field Week (BFW) In the protected areas of partner countries
The first BFW took place in the Pollino National Park from 22 to 28 September 2024, click there for more information
The next BFW will take place in Austria (late summer 2025), information coming soon
Don't miss the free e-learning BESTNATURE course, hosted on Moodle by UNITUS.
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