Theory [Module A]
Theory and applications in biodiversity conservation - Beginner/Bachelor [3 ECTS]
M1: Theoretical and applied contents - Basic knowledge of biodiversity in face of global changes
From evolution to classification and biodiversity knowledge - University of Tuscia: Andrea Chiocchio
From ecological processes to biological conservation - Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna: Alessandro Chiarucci
Forest stands dynamics and disturbance ecology - University of Tuscia: Gianaluca Piovesan, Jordan Palli, Michele Baliva and Chiara Mansi
Introduction into pressures and threats - University of Tuscia: Roberta Cimmaruta
Endangered species and habitat - University of Tuscia: Gianpasquale Chiatante
The role of natural ecosystems in the carbon cycle - University of Passau: Christine Schmitt; Carinthia Univerisity of Applied Sciences: Vanessa Berger
M2: Monitoring methods: Introduction to monitoring methods
Biodiversity monitoring methods introduction (including basis remote sensing) - University of Graz: Manuela Hirschmugl; Carinthia University of Applied Sciences: Vanessa Berger
Ecosystems structure analysis with focus on carbon sequestration and storage in different types of forests - Carinthia University of Applied Sciences: Vanessa Berger; University of Graz: Manuela Hirschmugl; University of Tuscia: Michele Baliva and Gianluca Piovesan
M3: Governance and management of Protected Areas
Overview of international policies and agreements for conserving biodiversity: IUCN Red List, Berna Convention, Nature Framework 2000, Ramsar, Convention on Biodiversity, Kunming-Montreal Targets, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, UNESCO Man and Biosphere (MAB), European Green New Deal, EU Biodiversity Strategy. framework for biodiversity conservation in protected areas. University of Passau: Christine Schmitt, João De Deus Vidal; Carinthia University of Applied Sciences: Elisabeth Wiegele
Protected Areas design and characterisation (comparison between IUCN , Agenda 2030 and Nature2000 criterias) Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna: Alessandro Chiarucci
Protected areas management (land sparing and land sharing). Sport in Nature, Eco-tourism, close-to-nature forestry; Carabinieri Biodiversity Group: Raffaele Manicone; University of Tuscia Gianluca Piovesan, Jordan Palli and Chiara Mansi
Theory and applications in biodiversity conservation - Intermidiate/Master [3 ECTS]
M1: Theoretical and applied contents - Basic knowledge of biodiversity in face of global changes
Species traits identification methods (taxonomy, genetics, ecology): Plantae, Fungi Animalia - University of Tuscia: Adriana Bellati, Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna: Juri Nascimbene
Historical ecology, paleoecology and dendroecology - University of Tuscia: Gianluca Piovesan, Jordan Palli, Michele Baliva
Global change biology - University of Passau: Christine Schmitt, João De Deus Vidal; University of Tuscia: Jordan Palli
Area-based conservation (e.g. island bio-geography theory and fragmentation) - Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna: Alessandro Chiarucci
M2: Monitoring methods: Introduction to monitoring methods
Remote sensing applications for tracking land use with special focus on forest composition (an introduction to the tools with some examples) - University of Graz: Manuela Hirschmugl
Sample design an basic statistics and data cleaning - Carinthia University of Applied Sciences: Vanessa Berger;; University of Tuscia: Bruno Bellisario; University of Passau: Christine Schmitt, João De Deus Vidal
QGIS (QField will be part of the Module B) - Carinthia University of Applied Sciences: Vanessa Berger; University of Graz: Manuela Hirschmugl
Biodiversity monitoring and bio-indicators (terrestrial and freshwater environmental) - Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna: Juri Nascimbene; University of Tuscia: Francesco Cerini
M3: Governance and management of Protected Areas
Synergies and trade-off regarding biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation. University of Passau: Christine Schmitt, University of Tuscia Gianluca Piovesan
Ecosystem restoration and rewilding (a global perspective) - University of Tuscia: Gianluca Piovesan, Jordan Palli; Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna: Alessandro Chiarucci
Effective protected areas management (e.g. World Heritage Site) - University of Tuscia: Francesco Cerini
Theory and applications in biodiversity conservation - Advanced/PhD [3 ECTS]
M1: Theoretical and applied contents - Basic knowledge of biodiversity in face of global changes
Climate change mechanisms and dynamics - Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna: Antonio Navarra
Conservation biology in the Anthropocene - University of Tuscia: Roberta Cimmaruta; Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna:
Biodiversity informatics (how to build and manage biodiversity database) - Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna: Juri Nascimbene; University of Graz: Manuela Hirschmugl, University of Tuscia: Bruno Bellisario
M2: Monitoring methods: Introduction to monitoring methods
DNA and Metabarcoding - University of Tuscia: Andrea Chiocchio
Population genetic diversity monitoring methods - University of Tuscia: Andrea Chiocchio
Ecological modeling: species distribution - University of Passau: João De Deus Vidal
Paleoecological surveys - University of Tuscia: Jordan Palli
Tree-ring methods - University of Tuscia: Gianluca Piovesan, Michele Baliva, Jordan Palli
Acoustic and visual monitoring (e.g., soundscape and camera-traps) - University of Tuscia: Gianpasquale Chiatante, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences: Vanessa Berger
Remote sensing applications with a special focus on forest structure and functioning - University of Graz: Manuela Hirschmugl, University of Tuscia: Francesco Solano
M3: Governance and management of Protected Areas
General introduction to european funding programmes (LIFE, Horizon Europe, European Partnership as Biodiversa+ and Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership, Interreg+, Erasmus+): University of Tuscia: Massimo Romanelli, Chiara Mansi
Successful project proposal (examples) - ALL PARTNERS INVOLVED: University of Tuscia: Massimo Romanelli, Chiara Mansi